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recover GRUB

Thursday, October 29, 2009

GRUB recovery after installing Windows XP

Posted by: ranacse05 on: January 12, 2008

If any one use dual boot system then after installing windows again we lost GRUB loader. It can recover in various method. Here i discuss GRUB recovery using Live cd. For this we have to boot our system by Live cd.

Follow the step to recover grub bootloader:
1. Boot with Ubuntu Live CD
2. Open gnome-terminal
Give the commands:
3. sudo grub
then it shows grub> like this
grub>find /boot/grub/stage1
it'll give a output like this (hd0,7)  7 is here for example, itĺl be number of ur partition.
grub>root (hd0,7)
grub>setup (hd0)

Then reboot your machine. I think your boot loader should recovered.
there is another way.
1. Boot with Fedora CD 1.
2. write
linux rescue
it'll open a shell

then write previous grub command

Spacial thanks to Suzan bhai & Asad

Note: For hda1,sda1 it'll be (hd0,0),hda2,sda2 it'll be (hd0,1),hdb1,sdb1 it'll be (hd1,0)

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